Product Page JS Integration
Here you will find the documentation for setting up Kiwi Sizing script on your product pages. Note that if you installed the Shopify app, the script is automatically set up and you do not need to follow this guide.
Integrating the Javascript snippet
Integrate the script
First thing you need to do is include the following script on your product page. You can add it right after the </body>
close tag.
<!-- KiwiSizing v1.0.0 Integration !-->
!function(t,n,s,e,i){function r(t){try{var s="; "+n.cookie,e=s.split("; "+t+"=");if(2==e.length)return e.pop().split(";").shift()}catch(i){}return null}t[i]=t[i]||{},t[i]._queue=[];const o="on setShopID setUserID setUserEmail setLanguage loadSizing".split(" ");for(var a=0;a<o.length;a++){const c=o[a];t[i][c]=function(){var;return n.unshift(c),t[i]._queue.push(n),t[i]}}const l=r("_ks_scriptVersion")||t.ks_version||"";var u=n.createElement(s);n=n.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],u.async=1,void 0!==t.ks_load_async&&(u.async=t.ks_load_async),u.src=e+"?v="+l,"ks-integration",n.parentNode.insertBefore(u,n)}(window,document,"script","","ks");
<!-- End KiwiSizing Integration !-->
Load size charts
After the script is added, a global ks
object becomes available on the page. You would need to call a few functions to properly load the size charts and recommenders on the product page.
// if user is logged in
productData: PRODUCT_DATA, // (required) see below
options: LOADING_OPTIONS, // (optional) see below
Product data object (required)
Product data is used by the app to check against the product matching conditions of all the size charts in the app to decide which size charts to display on the product page.
- Fields marked with
are required
Key | Value type | Example Values |
productID * | String | "12345" |
tags | Array<String> | ["t-shirt", "male"] |
sku | String | "S12-GET-RS" |
categories | Array<String> | ["dresses", "wedding"] |
brand | String | "Nike" |
title * | String | "Modern Skinny-fit Washable Turtleneck Sweater" |
images * | Array<String> | ["", ""] |
Loading option object (optional)
Passing this object is optional and you likely won't need it. All the loading options here is configurable through the app settings. Any options set here would override the app settings. Generally you only need to override the options if you're doing something special on the product page.
Note that all of these are options you can set in the app's settings. Passing those data in JS will override the app settings values.
Key | Value type | Example Values |
injectionSelector | CSS Selector | ".size-chart-wrapper" or "#size-chart-wrapper" |
displayMode | 0 for Inline 1 for link modal 2 for button modal | 0 |
injectionOrder | 0 for inject before1 for inject after2 for inject at the beginning of3 for inject at the end of | 0 |
calculatorDisplayMode | same as displayMode | 0 |
calculatorInjectionOrder | same as injectionOrder | 0 |
modalHeaderText | String | "Size Chart Header" |
modalSubHeaderText | String | "Size Chart Subheader" |
buttonText | String | "Size Chart" |
buttonIcon | String | "Nike" |
Event listening
It is often useful to listen for events from our app so that you can trigger your own analytics or perform other behaviors on product page.
ks.on("EVENT_NAME", function(data) {
console.log("Event is triggered", data);
Event Name | Description | Callback data |
sizing_loaded | Triggered when the size chart is finished loading after calling ks.loadSizing | {sizeChartID: 123} |
modal_open | Triggered when modal is opened | {modalID: "modal-id-123"} |
modal_close | Triggered when modal is closed | none |
modal_tab_change | Triggered when modal tab is changed | {tabID: "size-chart-layout"} or {tabID: "recommender"} |
on_size_recommendation | Triggered after user uses the recommender | {status: "has_size", size: "M"} or {status: "no_size"} |
on_add_to_cart | Triggered when the add-to-cart button from the recommender is triggered. This is important if you want the app to be able to dynamically add the recommended product to cart | {size: "M"} |
Asynchronous script loading
The KiwiSizing script is by default loaded asynchronously, meaning that it will wait for the content on the product page to load first. However, the ks
object is immediately available to be called.
If you wish for the script loading to be done synchronously, please do the following before the kiwi script:
window.ks_load_async = 1;
// load kiwi script